Guiding Principles

The Guiding Principles is to express the willingness of the chemical industry to actively consider public concerns about the adverse effects of chemical substances and hazardous waste on the environment, safety, and health sectors and the implementation of Responsible Care begins with the CEO signing the following basic policies directly as a sign of active support for chemical liability management efforts.

  • To make Responsible Care part of management policies and have all company members participate in the implementation of the program
  • To make matters relating to the Environment, Safety and Health one of priorities, in order to minimize potential risks during the production process, transportation, use and disposal of our products
  • To communicate and respond actively to the concerns related to the Environment, Safety and Health of members, customers and other stockholders
  • To provide customers with adequate counsel and information on the potential risks associated with our products, in order to ensure their safe use, transportation and disposal
  • To co-operate with government agencies and/or experts with a view of solving problem as well as being involved in technical development in matters related to the Environment, Health and Safety
  • To encourage exchange with the international chemical industry, of information related to the Environment, Health and Safety, and to participate in appropriate international activities
  • To establish a co-operation and networking system between member companies, to share the knowledge and experience pertaining to Environment, Safety and Health matters, with a view of building a successful industry, which embraces and promotes the principles of the Responsible Care program in Korea
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Global Charter

In addition to the basic elements of RC raised in 1985, RCLG developed the RC Global Charter, focusing on new and important challenges facing all chemical industries and the world. The world's top 100 chemical companies have signed the Global Charter as a sign of our industry's unified commitment to safe chemical management.

Following the signing of the company's global charter(2014~, more than 500 companies), chemical organizations in each country are also signing the global charter(2019 development) to actively strengthen RC. (Korea Responsible Care Council signed on March 2020)
* ① Company leadership culture, ②Protecting people and the environment, ③Strengthen chemical substance management system, ④ Affects business partners, ⑤Communication with stakeholders, ⑥Contribute to sustainability